���ߣ����� ������Դ�����������������ʱ�䣺2010-5-31 |
1 ���沿������Ʒ(������濾Ʒ) eye and face protective equipment(protectors for eye and face)
����1��1 �����������濾Ʒ goggles and visor for radioactivity protection
����1��2 ����ʴҺ���濾Ʒ goggles and visor for corrosive liquid-resisting
����1��3 �������濾Ʒ goggles and visor for microwave protection
����1��4 ¯Ҥ���濾Ʒ goggles and visor for furnace-operator
����1��5 �������濾Ʒ goggles and visor for welder
����1��6 ��������濾Ʒ goggles and visor for impacts protection
����1��7 ��ˮ���� waterproof goggles
����1��8 ���̳����� smoke and dust goggles
����1��9 �������۾� laser protective spectacles
����2 ����
����2��1 ��Ƭ spectacle lens
����2��2 �൲Ƭ side-lens
����2��3 �˹�Ƭ optical filter
����2��4 ����Ƭ screening glass
����2��5 ������ antidim compound
����3 ����
����3��1 ��Ƭǿ������ strength of spectacle lens
����3��2 ������ĥ���� surface abrasion
����3��3 ���������ӳ������ high speed particles protection
����3��4 �ڹ��� shading numerals
����¼�룺mkaq ���α༭��mkaq |