���ߣ����� ������Դ����վԭ�� �����������ʱ�䣺2010-7-16 |
pitch ����crown ���crown bit ��ͷǥ��crown block ���ض�����crown drill ��ͷǥ��crown pillar �μ����crown pulley ����crozzling coal ����úcrross lay ��������cruciate ʮ���ε�cruciform ʮ���ε�cruciform bit ʮ����ͷcrude ����crude oil ԭ��crude ore ԭ��crude ore bin ԭ����crumbling ����crush ����crush block ��ѹ��crush board ��ѹ��crushability ��������crushability factor ������ϵ��crushed ballast concrete ��ʯ������crushed coke �����˵Ľ�̿crushed product �����Ʒcrushed stone concrete ��ʯ������crushed timbering ѹ����֧��crusher �����crusher chamber �������crusher head �����ͷcrusher jaw ������crusher jaw plate ������crusher roll �����crusher worm �����ϸ�crushing ����crushing ball ������crushing chamber �������crushing cost �����crushing efficiency ѹ��Ч��crushing energy ������crushing head �����ͷcrushing jaw ������crushing machine �����crushing mill �����crushing plant ����װ��;���鳵��crushing plate ������crushing rolls �����crushing surface ������crushing test ��������crust ��cryogenic engineering ���¼���cryogenic technique ���¼���cryolite ����ʯcryometer ���±�crystal ����crystal axis ����crystal growth ��������crystal lattice �ᾧ����crystal structure �ᾧ��֯crystalline axis ����crystalline structure �ᾧ��֯crystallite ����crystallization �ᾧ��crystallography �ᾧѧcrystalloid ����cubanite ����ͭ��cubic deformation ����α�cubical cleavage �����ഹֱ������cubical expansion �������cul de sac ��ͷ���culm ú��culm bank �ϲ��culm dump �ϲ��culvert ����cumulative grading curve �ۼ���������cup product ɸ����cuprite ��ͭ��curb �������curite ��Ǧ�˿�curium �current ��current density ���ܶ�current limiter ����current maintenance �ճ�ά��current transformer ������������curtain Ļcurvature ����curve ����curved belt conveyor ����·���ͻ�curved pipe ���curvilinear motion �����˶�cushion blasting ���屬��cushion support ������֧��cushioning ����cut �Ͳ�cut and fill �����cut and fill mining �����cut depth �Ͳ����cut off grade Ʒλ����cut off vlave �رշ�cut spreader hole ���ۿ�cuthole �Ͳ�����cutter ����cutter bar ��ú������cutter bit ��ú�����cutter chain ��ú����cutter head ��ͷcutter jib ��ú������cutter loader ��װ��cutter mining machine ��ú��cutter pick ��ú�����cutting �ظ�;�ɾ�cutting ability ������cutting angle ����cutting chain ����cutting depth �Ͳ����cutting edge ����cutting force ��Ϧcutting machine ��ú��cutting resistance ��Ϧcutting speed �ز��ٶ�;���ٶ�cutting tool ��Ϥ��cuttings ��мcyanidation �軯��cyanide �軯��cyanide process �軯��cyaniding �軯��cyanite ����ʯcycle ѭ��cycle time ѭ��ʱ��cycloidal blower �����ȷ��cycloidal gear ���߳���cyclone ����cyclone classifier ���ּ���cyclone separator ���ּ���cyclopean concrete ��ʯ������cylinder ����cylinder block ������cylinder cut ֱ���Ͳ�cylindrical ԲͲ�ε�cylindrical charge ��״װҩcylindrical drum ԲͲ�ι�Ͳcylindrical trommel ԲͲɸcymophane è��ʯD dacite Ӣ����dacker ����dahllite ̼��ʯdaily advance �վ������daily output �ղ���dam ��ǽ;��damage ��damp ��ը������damped wave ���Შdamping ˥��damping coefficient ��˥ϵ��damping spring ���嵯��dampness ʪ��damposcope ��ը��˹ָʾ��danburite ���ƾ�danger Σ��danger zone Σ�յش�dangerous Σ�յ�dark ruby ore �������data ����data processing ���ݴ���data transmission ���ϴ���datum level ����datum point ����dautriche method �������屬ը�ٶ����鷨davy man ��ƹ�day arrangement �����豸day drift ƽ��day eye ��б̽��day level ƽ��day output �ղ���day work ���湤��daylight �չ�daylight lamp �չ��dc ֱ��dc generator ֱ�����dc motor ֱ�綯��dead air ͣ�͵Ŀ���dead coal ������údead end ��ͷ���dead face ��ͷ���dead load ����dead pressure ��ѹdead rock ��ʯdead time ͣ��ʱ��dead weight brake �ش��ƶ���deading ������deads ��ʯdeadwork ������deaeration ȥ��deairing ȥ��debris ��ʯdebris kibble ��ʯ��Ͱdecantation ����decanter ������decarbonization ��̼decarburizer ��̼��decay product �ֽ����decayed rock �緋��ʯdeceleration ����dechenite �췯Ǧ��deck ��deck charge �ֶ�װҩdeck head building ���ڽ�����deck loading �ֶ�װҩdecked charge �ֶ�װҩdeckhead ����̨deckhead building ���ڽ�����declination ƫ��declivity ��бdecolorization ��ɫdecolour ��ɫdecompose �ֽ�decomposed outcrop �ֽ�¶ͷdecomposition �ֽ�decompression ��ѹdecompressor ��ѹ��decrease ����decrement ����deduster ������dedusting ����deep ���deep adit �Ͳ�ƽ��deep drilling �������deep drilling equipment �������豸deep freezing ���¶���deep hole blasting ���۱���deep hole infusion ���עˮdeep hole method ���۱��Ʒ�deep level ��ˮƽdeep mine ���deep mining �����deep shaft �deep tr <<��һҳ[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]...��һҳ>>
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