���ߣ����� ������Դ����վԭ�� �����������ʱ�䣺2010-7-16 |
oadway ����ƽ��haulage rope ǣ����haulage winch ����ʳ�haulageman ���乤hauler ���乤hauling ����hauling away �˳�hauling cable ����hauling capacity ��������hauling costs �����hauling drum ǣ����Ͳhauling engine ������hauling equipment ����û��hauling power ǣ����hauling shaft ������hauling track ������·hauling up ��������hauling up device ����װ��hauser's equation of blasting ����ı��ƹ�ʽhausmannite ���̿�hazard Σ��hazel ɰ��head ���head and tail rope haulage ֲ������head frame ����head house ���ڽ�����head lamp ñ��head light ñ��head pulley ��ͷ��head rope ͷ��head sheave ����headblock �ƶ���headed bolt ������ͷ��ê��headgear ����headgear safety catches ����ץצheadgear sheave ����heading ����heading advance �����ƽ�heading and bench mining �����ݶ�ʽ�ز�heading and stall method ����ʽ���ɷ�heading and stall system ����ʽ���ɷ�heading assembly �����еheading blast �α���;��ǰ���汬��;���ұ���heading chain pillar ���ú��heading charge ����װҩheading equipment ����豸heading face �������heading machine �����heading man �����heading support ����֧��heading ventilation �����ͨ��headings ����headpiece ����headtree ����headwork ����heap �ʯ��heap leaching ��̯����heat ��heat capacity ������heat conduction �ȴ���heat conductivility ������heat of explosion ��ը��heat resistant explosive ����ըҩheat stress �¶�Ӧ��heating drum ����Ͳheating test ��������heave ¡��;ƽ��heavy �ص�heavy coalcutter ���ͽ�ú��heavy cut ���heavy cutting ���heavy density medium ������Һheavy fluid separation ��Һѡheavy grease ����֬heavy hand held rock drill �����ֳ�ʽ���һ�heavy layer ���heavy liquid ��Һheavy liquid process ��Һѡ��heavy liquid separation ��Һѡ��heavy manual operations ������heavy media process �ؽ�ѡ��heavy media separation �ؽ�ѡheavy media separator �ؽ��ѡ��heavy medium ������Һheavy metal �ؽ���heavy mineral prospecting �ؿ��̽heavy oil ����heavy parting ��в�heavy pitch ����бheavy spar �ؾ�ʯheight of fall ���¸߶�height of lift �����߶�helical conveyor ����ʽ�����heliographic paper ��ͼֽhelium ��helmet ��ױhelmet crew ��ɽ�Ȼ���helper ��������helper post ������helvine �չ���ʯhelvite �չ���ʯhematite ������hemp packing ������hemp rope ����herderite �����ʯherzenbergite ������hess brisance test �����Ͷ�����hessite ������heterogeneity ��������heterogeneous �����ȵ�heterolite п�̿�heteropolar compound �켫�Ի�����hewer ��ú��hexagonal bar steel �������hexagonal steel �����θ�ǥhiddenite ����﮻�ʯhigh �ߵ�high back jumbo �߹����공high capacity car ���Ϳ�high carbon steel ��̼��high density explosive ���ܶ�ըҩhigh dip ����бhigh early strength cement ����ˮ��high explosive ��ըҩhigh face ���ڹ���high face jumbo �߹����공high frequency drill ��Ƶ�廽���high frequency drilling ��Ƶ�����high grade ����high grade ore ����high head pump ��ѹ��high intensity drum ǿ��תͲhigh lift pump ��ѹ��high power explosive ��ǿ��ըҩhigh pressure compressor ��ѹѹ����high pressure hose ��ѹ���high pressure oil ��ѹ��high pressure pump ��ѹ��high pressure water infusion ��ѹעˮhigh safety explosive �߰�ȫըҩhigh seam ���high silica dust �߹賾ĩhigh speed cement ����ˮ��high speed concrete ����������high speed drill �������high speed drivage ���پ��high speed plough ������ú��high speed rolls ���ٹ����high speed steel ���и�high strength explosive ��ǿ��ըҩhigh thrust drill ���������high velocity explosive ����ըҩhigher slice �Ϸֲ�highwall ����hillock �ʯ��hinge ����hinged bar �½Ӷ���hoe �����hog back ú��ײ�ͻ��hoist ������hoist bucket ������Ͱhoist building ��������hoist engine ������hoist engine house ��������hoist tower ������hoisting ����hoisting block ����������hoisting cable ������˿��hoisting cage ��������hoisting capacity ��������hoisting chain ������hoisting compartment ��������hoisting crane ���ػ�hoisting depth �������hoisting device ����װ��hoisting drum ������Ͳhoisting duty ��������hoisting equipment �����豸hoisting gear ����װ��hoisting height �����߶�hoisting hook ��������hoisting line ������˿��hoisting machine ������hoisting plant ����װ��hoisting pulley ����hoisting rope ������˿��hoisting shaf ������hoisting shaft ������hoisting sheave ����hoisting speed �����ٶ�hoisting tackle ��������hoisting winch �����ʳ�hoistway ��������holding ֧��holding apparatus ��������������holding down bolt ê��hole ����hole back ���۵�hole bottom ���۵�hole bottom region ���hole charging ����װҩhole collar ���ۿ�hole depth �������hole deviation ����ƫбhole diameter ���hole digger ǥ��hole firing ���۱���hole man ���ڹ�hole placement ���۵IJ���hole placing ���۵IJ���hole reamming ������hole size ���holer �Ͳ۹�holespacing ���ۼ��holing blast ���������ͨ����hollow ��<<��һҳ[21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30]...��һҳ>>
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