���ߣ����� ������Դ����վԭ�� �����������ʱ�䣺2010-7-16 |
minimal ��С��minimum ��Сmining ��ҵ;����mining area ����mining car ��mining compass ��������mining conditions ��������mining cost ���ɷ�mining depth ������mining district ��ɽ����mining economy ��ҵ����mining engineer �ɿ�ʦmining engineering �ɿ�mining equiment ��ɽ�豸mining explosive ����ըҩmining field �ɿ���mining geodesy ��ɽ����ѧmining geologist �ɿ����ʦmining geology ����mining in bulk �����ز�mining in slices �ֲ㿪��mining industry ��ҵmining inspection �ɿ������mining intensity ����ǿ��mining laws ��ҵ����mining lease �ɿ��õ�mining locomotive ���û���mining losses ������ʧmining machine ��ɽ��еmining mechanics ��ɽ��ѧmining method ���ɷ�mining operation �ɿ���mining plan ���ɼƻ�;��ɽ����ͼmining progress ���ɽ���mining rate �����ٶ�mining raw materials �ɿ�ԭ��mining region �ɿ�����mining regulations �ɿ���mining right �ɿ�Ȩmining science �ɿ��ѧmining society �ɿ�Э��mining system ���ɷ�mining technique �ɿ���mining theodelite ���þ�γ��mining tool �ɿ�mining transit ���þ�γ��mining with filling �����mining with stowing �����minreral laden bubbles ����ĭminus ɸ�²�Ʒminus grade ����mirabilite â��miscibility �ɻ����miser ����������ͷmisfire �ܱ�misfire hole �ܱ��ڿ�misfire removal ���Ϲ��misfired cap �ܱ���misfired charge �ܱ���װҩmispickel �������miss shot hole �ܱ��ڿ�missed hole �ܱ��ڿ�mix ���mixer �����mixer agitator tank ����ý���Ͱmixer granulator ���������mixing bunker ��ϲ�mixing chamber �����mixing ratio ��ϱ�mixing tank ��Ͳ�mixing unit ���װ��mixture �����mixture ratio ��ϱ�ml �Ӵ��⾮mobile �ƶ���mobile belt conveyor �ƶ�ʽ�������ͻ�mobile compressor �ƶ�ʽѹ���mobile conveyor �ƶ�ʽ�����mobile crushing plant �ƶ�ʽ����װ��mobile elevating conveyor �ƶ�ʽ�������ͻ�mobile emergency winding equipment �ƶ�ʽ���������豸mobile jumbo �����공mobile loader �ƶ�ʽװ�ػ�mobile mine drill ����ʽ�������mobile winder �ƶ�ʽ������mobility Ǩ����model ģ��model test ģ������modelling ģ�ͻ�moderate operating conditions ���в�����modification ����modifying agent ����modifying reagent ����module ϵ��modulus ϵ��modulus of elasticity ����ģ��modulus of rupture ����ϵ��mog ĥ��ϸ��mohr's stress circle Ī��Ӧ��Բmoil һ������ͷmoist ��ʪ��moistener ��ʪ��moistening ��ʪmoisture ʪ��moisture content ��ˮ��moisture proof ��ʪ��moisturetight ��ʪ��molecular ���ӵ�molecular compound ���ӻ�����molecular diffusion ������ɢmolecular force ������molecular weight ������molecule ����molybdenite �����molybdenum ��molybdenum glance �����moment ��;˲��moment of force ����moment of inertia ���Ծ�monazite ����ʯmonite ̼��ʯmonitor ˮǹmonitoring apparatus ���װ��monkey ���䴸monkey block ��ʽ�̶��賵��monkey hole ����С��monkey rolls С�����monkey shaft С������monkey stop block ��ʽ�̶��賵��monocline ��бmonoclinic ��б��monolithic concrete lining ���������֧��monometal ������monomineral ore �������ʯmontan wax ����montesite ����Ǧ��montmorillonite ����ʯmonzonite ������moor ����moor coal ��úmordenite ˿���ʯmortar �ҽ�mortar mill �ҽ������mortar test ��������mote ������mother belt ����Ƥ�������mother liquor ĸҺmother load ��mother lode ��mother rock ĸ��motor �綯��motor grader �Զ�ƽ·��motor haulage level ���������ˮƽmouldy peat �緋��̿mound ��mount ����mountain meal ʯ��mounted drill ��ʽ���һ�mounter ��װ��mounting ��װmouth ��movable jaw �ɶ��movable load �����movable sieve jig ��ɸ��̭��movable support �ɶ�֧��movable track �ƶ�ʽ���movable transformer pack �ƶ�ʽ���վmovement �˶�moving load �����ms blasting ���뱬��ms connector �ٷ�������װ��muck ���Dz�muck loader װ�ػ�muck loading �װ��muck pile ʯ��mucker �ʯ����mucking ������ʯmucking bucket ��ʯ��Ͱmucking machine װ�ػ�mud ����mud blasting ���ڱ���mud box ����mud filtration �������mud fluid ��̽���mud laden water ����ˮmud pump ���mud settling pit �����mud settling sump �ཬ�����mudcapping ���ڱ���mudsill ����mudstone ����mudstream ����muffler ������muller ĥ���mullock ��ɽ��ʯ��mullocking װ�˷�ʯmulti cycle operation ��ѭ��multi decker cage ����multi level hoisting ��ˮƽ����multi rope koepe hoisting ������ʽ����multi rope winding ��������multi rope winding system ����������multi stage compressor �༶ѹ����multibucket excavator �භ������multicyclone ���ʽ����multijaw grab ��צץ��multilayer ����multimineral ore ������ʯmultiple horizon mining ��ˮƽ����multiple roll crusher ��������multiple row method �������۱��Ʒ�multiple row shot �����б���multiple stage crushing �༶����multirope ����ʽmultirope winding plant ���������豸multistage ��ε�multistage compressor �༶ѹ����multistage grinding ���ĥ��multistage hoisting �������multistage pump �༶��munroe effect&n<<��һҳ[31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]...��һҳ>>
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