bsp;����ЧӦmuscovite ����ĸmutual attraction ��������mylonite ������N
nacrite ��������nager ǥ��nagyagite Ҷ�ڿ�nantokite ͭ��nappe ������narrow face խ����narrow vein ������narrow web mining dz�����únarrowing ��������native ��Ȼ��native coke ��Ȼ��native copper ��Ȼͭnative gold ��Ȼ��native metal ��Ȼ����native rock ԭ����natrium ��natrolite �Ʒ�ʯnatron ��ˮ�մ�natural ��Ȼ��natural aeration ��Ȼͨ��natural angle of slope ��Ϣ��natural cement ��Ȼˮ��natural coke ��Ȼ��natural conditions ��Ȼ����natural cooling ��Ȼ��ȴnatural draught ��Ȼͨ��natural fuel ��Ȼȼ��natural gas ��Ȼ��natural gas field ����natural gas pool ����natural gas reservoir ����natural rock ԭ����natural sand ��Ȼɰnatural size ��ʵ�ߴ�natural ventilation ��Ȼͨ��nature ��Ȼnaval brass ͭ��п�Ͻ�navvy ������navvy excavator �ھ��nebulizer ������negative adsorption ������neodymium ��neogene �µ�����neolite ��ʯneon ��neozoic era ������nepheline ϼʯnephelite ϼʯnephelometer �Ƕȼ�nephrite ����neptunium ��nest ��net head ��Ч���net pressure head ��Ч���net weight ����nether roof ֱ�Ӷ���network ��neuman effect ����ЧӦneutral ���Ե�neutrality ����neutralization �к�neutralize �к�new level preparation ��ˮƽ��������niccolit ��������niccolite ��������niche ��Ѩnichrome �����Ͻ�nick �п�nickel ��nickel bloom ����nickel ocher ����nickel pyrite ��������nigrine �����ʯniobite ����ʯniobium ��nipple ���ӹ�nitrate ������nitric acid ����nitrocellulose ������άnitrogelatin ����ըҩnitrogen ��nitrogen family explosives ����ըҩnitroglycerin dynamite ����ըҩnitroglycerine ��������nitroglycerine explosive ����ըҩnitroglycerine gelatine explosive �������ͽ���ըҩnitroglycerine safety explosive ���ʰ�ȫըҩno load operation ��������no slump concrete ��̮��Ȼ�����noddle ����nodular ��״��nodule ����nog ľ��;����;֧����Шnog timbering ��ʽ֧��noise ����noise level ����ˮnoise of blasting ��������noise peak ������ֵnoise remover ����������nominal ���Ƶ�nominal capacity �����;�����nominal diameter ����ֱ��nominal output �����nominal value ����ֵnomogram ŵģͼnon conducting dust ������ij�ĩnon destructive test ���ƻ�������non electric initiation system �ǵ���װ��non fiery mine ����˹��non gaseous mine ����˹��non inflammability ����ȼ��non magnetic ore �Ǵ��Կ���non metal �ǽ���non permitted explosive ������ըҩnon polar reagent �Ǽ���ҩ��non return valve ֹ�ط�non rotating rope ����ת�ĸ�˿��non sheathed explosive �ޱ�Ͳըҩnon spin rope ����ת�ĸ�˿��non stable mining ���Ѳ�únon stop operation ����ϵ�non tractor drill ������ʽ���noncaking coal ������únoncombustible ��ȼ�Ե�nonexplosible ����ը�Ե�noneystone ����ʯnonflame blasting ���汬��nonfloat ��ѡβ��nongassy ����˹��nonmagnetic �Ǵ��Ե�nonmagnetic material �Ǵ��Բ���nonmetallic �ǽ�����nonskid chain ������nonuniform ������nonyielding ����ѹ��nonyielding arch ���Թ�nonyielding prop ����֧��norite �ճ���normal acceleration ������ٶ�normal charge ��װҩnormal concentration �漲Ũ��normal curve ��������normal solution �����Һnormal speed �����ٶ�normal state ��״̬normalization ������nose ͷnose cable ͷ��notch �Ͳ�notching �Ͳ�noumeite ��þ����nozzle ����nuclear specific gravity indicator �����Ա���ָʾ��nugget of gold ��Ȼ���number of delay �ӷ�����number of holes ������nut �˼�únutcoal �˼�únylon rope ������
o ring o �λ�object glass �ᄉobjective table ����̨oblique ��б��oblique face α��б����oblique hole б���observation �۲�observation point �۲��obsidian ������obstacle �ϰ���obstruct ����obstructive ridge ��������occupational dust ְҵ��ĩocher ��odd labor ��ʱ��off shore boring �������off shore rig ��������offshore drilling �����꾮offtake drift ��ˮƽ�offtake pipe ��ˮ��ohmic resistance ŷķ�跡oil ��oil basin ����oil bearing bed ���͵ز�oil bearing formation ���͵ز�oil bearing horizon ���͵ز�oil bearing rock ��ĸ��oil bearing stratum ���͵ز�oil bottle ������oil brake ��ѹ�ƶ���oil cooler ����ȴ��oil deposit ����oil derrick ����oil feeder ������oil field ����oil flotation ��ѡoil hor ���͵ز�oil immersed circuit breaker �ͽ���·��oil lamp �͵�oil layer ���͵ز�oil pressure regulator ��ѹ����oil pump �ͱ�oil safety lamp ���氳ȫ��oil saftey lamp ���氳ȫ��oil separator �ͷ�����oil tar ����oil trap �ͷ�����oil well �;�oil well derrick ����oiling ����oilshale ��ҳ��olco floatation process ��ѡ��old man ����old waste ����oligiste iron ������oligoclase �³�ʯolivine ���ʯolivine rock �������on stream period ������ױ��one man drill Ǹ��ש ��one stage crushing ��������one way traffic �����г�onsetter ���װѵ���oolite ������ooze ����oozy �����ʵ�opal ����ʯopen a