���ߣ����� ������Դ����վԭ�� �����������ʱ�䣺2010-7-16 |
st method ����ʽ���ɷ�pillar and post work ��ʽ����pillar blast ú������pillar burst ú��ͻȻ����pillar drawing �ز�ú��pillar drift ����������ƽ��pillar extraction drilling ú���ز�����pillar face ��������pillar method ��ʽ���ɷ�pillar method of stoping ��ʽ�ɿ�pillar mining �������IJɿ�pillar of coal ú��pillar of ground ����ƽ���Ϸ���ú��pillar operation ��������ú������pillar pulling �ز�ú��pillar residue ����ú��pillar roads ú�����ƽ��pillar robbing �زɿ���pillar system ��ʽ���ɷ�pillar thinning �������ֻز�pillaring back ����ʽ�ز�ú��pilot boring Ԥ�����pilot hole �������pilot tunnel ǰ̽ƽ��pinch bar ����pioneer cut ���ι�pioneer operations ��̽����pipe ��pipe bender ��ܻ�pipe compartment ���Ӹ���pipe cutter �����е�pipe support ��֧��pipe way ���Ӹ���pipe wrench �ܰ���piston air drill ����ʽ�綯���һ�piston compressor ����ѹ����piston drill ����ʽ���һ�piston jig ������̭��piston pump ����ʽ��piston reciprocating rock drill ��������ʽ���һ�pit ú��pit bank ���ڳ���̨pit barring ��֧��pit bottom ����;���׳���pit bottom layout ���ײ���pit bottom stoop ��Ͳ��ȫ��pit brow ����pit car ��pit coal ʯ̿pit dump ��ɽ��ʯ��pit eye pillar ��Ͳ������pit gas ��������pit guide ��Ͳ��pit haulage ��ɽ����pit head frame ����pit mouth ������pit outline ¶��߽�pit prop ����֧��pit quarry ��������¶���pit run rock ��ʯ��ԭ��pit sinking �侮pit tub ��pit water ��ˮpitch angle �ݾ��pitch coal ����úpitch peat ������̿pitchblende �����˿�pitching borer ����ǥ��pitching seam ��б��pitching vein ����б����pitchwork ����б����pitman ҡ��pitting ��̽pitwood ��ľplace driving �����ƽ�place mining ɰ��placement ��עplacer ɰ��placer gold ɰ��placer mining ɰ��placering ɰ��placing ��עplagioclase б��ʯplain concrete �ֻ�����plan �ƻ�plane ����plane table map ƽ���Dz���ͼplanimeter �����planing ��ƽplank ��planning �ƻ�plant ����plaster quarry ��ʯ�ೡplaster shooting ���ڱ���plastic ���ܵ�plastic deformation �����α�plastic material ����plastic rock ������ʯplastic type explosive ����ըҩplasticity ����plate bender ����plate conveyor ��ʽ���ͻ�plate feeder ��ʽ���ϻ�plate shaped drill ��״��ͷplatform ƽ̨platform hoist ���̽ʳ�platform vibrator ��̨platinum ��play ��϶pleonast þ���⾧ʯpleonaste þ���⾧ʯpliability ������pliable support ������֧��plot ͼ��;����plot of a mine ��ɽƽ��ͼplough ��ú��plough cut Ш���Ͳ�plough position indicator ��ú��λ��ָʾ��ploughing ��ú����úplow ��ú��plug ����plug drilling �����plugger ���һ�plumb bob Ǧplumb bod Ǧplumb shaft ֱ��plumbago ʯ��plummet Ǧplunge ����;��бplunger ����plunger jig ������̭��plunger pump ������plus pressure process ��ѹ��ѡ��plutonic rock �����plutonium ��ply ��pneumatic ������pneumatic blowed fill ��������pneumatic brake ��բpneumatic caisson ѹ������pneumatic cell ����ʽ��ѡ��pneumatic charging ����װҩpneumatic charging apparatus ����װҩ��pneumatic chuck ��������pneumatic concentration ����ѡ��pneumatic concentrator ����ѡ���pneumatic control ѹ���������pneumatic conveyor ���������pneumatic elutriator ����������pneumatic fill ��������pneumatic flotation ������ѡpneumatic flotation machine ѹ��ʽ��ѡ��pneumatic hose ѹ�����pneumatic jig ������̭��pneumatic loader ѹ��ʽװ�û�pneumatic pick ���pneumatic preparation ����ѡ��pneumatic press ����ѹ��pneumatic pusher �綯�Ƴ���pneumatic rock drill �綯���һ�pneumatic separation ��ѡpneumatic separator ����������������ѡ��pneumatic stower ���������pneumatic stowing ��������pneumatic table ������̭��pneumatic tool �綯����pneumatic transport ��������pneumatic vibrator ������pneumatic winch �綯�ʳ�pneumatiic pick ���pneumoconiosis ���β�pocket ����pocket shot ���ױ���point ���۵�point angle ���point of coal Сú��point of contact �е�point of inflection �յ�point of inflexion ������point of support ֧��pointed box ���ּ���pointing of holes ���۲���poise ��poison gas ����poisoning �ж�poisonous �ж���polar molecule �м�����polarimeter ����ⶨ��polarity ����polarization ����pole ��pole hook �˹�poling ����polishing ĥ��pollucite ���ʯpollution ��Ⱦpolonium ��polybasite ����ͭ����polycrase ��ϡ���polygon �����polyhalite �ӳ�ʯpolymerization �ۺ�polymorphism ��������polyphase ����pond ��pontoon ����pony cut �����Ͳ��ڿ�poor ore ƶ��poor quality Ʒ�ʵ��ӵ�poor roof ���ȹ̶���pop hole ���α�������porcelain ��porcelain clay ����pore ����porosity �����porosity factor ��϶��porous ���porous concrete �������porous prilled ammonium nitrate ����״���porous rock �����ʯporphyrite ����porphyry ����portabelt �ƶ�ʽƤ�������portable belt conveyor �ƶ�ʽƤ�������portable conveyor �ƶ�ʽ�����portable crushing plant �ƶ�ʽ�����豸portable hoist �ƶ�ʽ�ʳ�portable loade<<��һҳ[31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]...��һҳ>>
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