���ߣ����� ������Դ����վԭ�� �����������ʱ�䣺2010-7-16 |
p;ͨ���쾮ventilation reversal ����ͨ��ventilation scheme ͨ��ϵͳͼventilation shaft �羮ventilation survey ͨ�����ventilation system ͨ��ϵͳventilation tube ���ventilator ͨ���vermiculite ��ʯvermilion ��ɰvernier �α�vertical ��ֱ��vertical boring tool ��ʽ���vertical compressor ��ʽѹ����vertical cut ���Ͳ�vertical displacement ��ֱ��λvertical exploratory opening ��̽����vertical kerf ���Ͳ�vertical section ��ֱ����vertical set ��ȫ����vertical shaft ֱ��vertical wedge cut ��ֱШ���Ͳ�vertical working ��ֱ���very gassy mine ����������vesicle С����vessel ����vesuvian ��ɽʯvesuvianite ��ɽʯvibrate ��vibrated concrete ��ʵ�Ļ�����vibrating ball mill ����ĥ��vibrating chute ��ʽ����vibrating conveyor �����ͻ�vibrating dryer �����vibrating feeder �����vibrating mill ��ĥ���vibrating screen ��ɸvibrating sieve ��ɸvibrating system ��ϵͳvibrating table ��̨vibration ��vibration blasting ����vibration damper ������vibration frequency ��Ƶ��vibration meter ������vibration mill ��ĥ���vibration milling ��ĥ��vibration of blasting ������vibration spectrum ����vibratory crusher ��ʽ�����vibratory feeder ��ʽ�����vibratory percussive drilling ���ʽ���vibratory rotary drilling ����ת����vibratory transport ������vibratory trough ��vibrocast concrete ��ʵ�Ļ�����vibrodrill �����vibrodrilling ����vibrofeeder �����vibrograph ʾ����vibrometer ������vice ��ǯvickers hardness number ά�˶�˹Ӳ��ָ��violent outburst ����ͻ��virgin rock ԭ����ʯviscidity ճ��viscosimeter ճ�ȼ�viscosimetry ճ�ȶ���viscosity ճ��viscosity coefficient ճ��ϵ��viscosity test ճ������viscous ճ�͵�viscous flow ճ����viscous fluid ճ����viscous friction ճ��Ħ��viscous liquid ճ��Һ��vise ��ǯvisibility �ܼ���vision ����vitiated air ���ǿ���vitrain ��úvitriol ��vivianite ������vogesite ����������void content ��϶��void ratio ��϶��voidage ��϶��volatile �ӷ��Ե�volatile matter content �ӷ��ﺬ��volatility �ӷ���volcanic breccia ��ɽ������volcanic rock ��ɽ��volcanics ��ɽ��volcano ��ɽvolume ���volume adjustable hydraulic pump ����Һѹ��volume concentration ���Ũ��volume delivery pump �ݻ�ʽ��volume density ����ܶ�volume extraction ratio ��������Ͳɿ��������֮��volume of explosion gas ��˹��ը���volume shrinkage �������volumetric �����volumetric analysis ��������volumetric efficiency �ݻ�Ч��volumetric expansion �������vortex ����vulcanization ��vulcanizer ����W wadding ������wagnerite ��þʯwagon ��wagon body ����wagon drill ����̨��wagon dumper ������wagon mounted drill ����̨��wagon retardar ������������wagon tipper ������wagonette drill ����̨��walker ����ʽ�ھ��walking dredge ����ʽ�ھ��walking excavator ����ʽ�ھ��walking support �Խ�ʽ֧��walkway ���е�wall ��;����wall advance �������wall caving prevention ��ڱ����Ԥ��wall crae ǽװ���ػ�wall hole �ز�����wall length ���泤��wall method ���ڿ��ɷ�wall pressure ���ѹ��wall rock Χ��wall system ���ڿ��ɷ�waller ʯ�walling crib ��Ȧwalling scaffold ���ڵ���wandering ƫбwarehouse ���Ͽ�warner ����ָʾ��warning ����warning of danger Σ�վ���warrant ú��װ�ճ��warwickite ����þ����wash ��ϴwash boring ��ϴ���wash box ��̭��wash drum ϴ��Ͳwash water ϴˮwashability ��ѡ��washability curve ��ѡ������washbox screening plate ��̭��ɸ��washed coal ��úwashed ore ��ѡ��washer ϴ����washery ѡú��washery product ϴú����Ʒwashery refuse ϴ��washery water ϴˮwashing ϴ��washing apparatus ϴ���washing elevator ϴ����washing liquor ��ϴҺwashing machine ϴ����washing plant ѡú��washing screen ϴ��ɸwashing table ϴ��ҡ��washing trommel ϴ��Ͳwashing trough ϴ���washout ��ȥwaste �ɿ���waste chute ��ʯ���waste crib ��ʯľ��waste disposal ��ʯ����waste dump ��ʯ��waste edge chock �ж�֧��waste edge support �ж�֧��waste fill ��ʯ����waste heap ��ʯ��waste ore �Ͽ�waste pack ��ʯ��waste packed pigsty ��ʯ����ľ��waste pile �ʯ��waste pile toe �ʯ������waste raise �ŷ�ʯ�쾮waste roadway ��ʯƽ��;���ͳ����ϵ�ƽ��waste rock pile �ʯ��waste steam ����waste washings ϴ��waste water ��ˮwaste water gallery ��ˮƽ��wastewater treatment ��ˮ����water ˮwater absorbing capacity ��ˮ��water adit ��ˮƽ��water ampule ˮ��water backfill ˮ��water barrel ��ˮͲwater barrier ��ˮ����water bearing bed ��ˮ��water bearing stratum ��ˮ��water blasting ˮ�ⱬ��water bucket ��ˮ��Ͱwater burst ӿˮwater carrying tunnel ��ˮƽ��water cement ˮӲˮ��water cement ratio ˮ�ұ�water circulation ˮѭ��water clarification ˮ�ij���water clarifying plant ˮ�ij����豸water collecting ring ��ˮȦwater collection point ��ˮ��water collection ring ��ˮȦwater column ˮ��water concentration ʪѡwater conduit ˮ��water con <<��һҳ[51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58]��һҳ
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