���ߣ����� ������Դ����վԭ�� �����������ʱ�䣺2010-7-16 |
bit ���ʯ��ͷbortz ��ҵ��Բ�����ʯbortz powder ���ʯ��borway bit ��״��ͷboss hammer ��bossing ����е�bottle coal ��˹úbottom �װ�bottom banksman ���װѹ���bottom belt �ײ�Ƥ��bottom canch �Ե�bottom captain �����鳤bottom cutting �ײ��ز�bottom discharge bucket ��жʽ����bottom discharge skip ��жʽ����bottom dump bucket ��жʽ����bottom dump skip ��жʽ����bottom dumping car ��жʽ��bottom gangway ����bottom gate ����bottom heading ����bottom hole �ײ�����bottom installation ���׳����豸bottom kerf �ײ�bottom layer �ײ�bottom layout ���׳�������bottom level ���׳������bottom loading belt �״�װ��ʽ�������ͻ�bottom man ���װѵ���bottom plate �װ�bottom pressure �ײ�ѹ��bottom priming �ײ����bottom sediment ������bottom slice �ֲ�bottom stope �����ݶι���bottom stoping �����ݶλز�bottom taking �Ե�bottom wall ����bottomer ���װѵ���bottoming bit ��жʽ��ͷboulangerite ����Ǧ��boulder Բʯboulder blaster ��鱬�ƹ�boulder blasting ���α���boulder crusher �����boundary �߽�boundary breakthrough �߽��������boundary condition �߽�����boundary layer �߽��boundary of property ����߽�boundary of section �����߽�boundary surface ����boundary surface active agent ������Լ�boundary value ���Ʒλboundary ventilation �Ա�ͨ��bounge ú�ļ���bournonite ���ֿ�bouse ��ʯ�ڵ���ʯboutgate ͨ��������е�bow ��;����bowl classifier ���۷ּ���box ��box car �ﳵbox compass ����box floor ��ڵ�box timbering ���֧��box type scraper ���ιζ�boxhole ����С��brace ��ľbracing ֧��bracket �м�;���ڳ���bracket crane ����ʽ���ػ�bradford breaker ����������ѡ��brae б��braize ú��brake �ƶ���brake application time �ƶ�ʱ��brake band �ƶ���brake beam �ƶ��ܸ�brake block բ��brake drum �ƶ���brake equipment �ƶ�װ��brake shoe ����brakesman ������braking �ƶ�braking controller �ƶ�������braking device �ƶ�װ��braking distance �ƶ�����braking effort �ƶ���braking energy �ƶ���braking fluid �ƶ�Һbraking force �ƶ���braking incline ������braking terminal �ƶ��յ�վbraking time �ƶ�ʱ��branch ֧��branch circuit ��֧��·branch conduit ֧��branch entry ֧��branch roadway �м�ƽ��branching ��֧brannerite ���˿�brash ���brasil ������brass ��ͭbrassil ������brattice �粼brattice cloth ��ᤲ�brattice way �ϲ����braunite ���̿�bravoite ��������brazil ������brazing ͭ��breach ȱ��break ����break in declivity ��б�仯break in grade �¶�ת�۵�break thrust ��б�ϳ�ϲ�breakability ��������breakage ����breakage face �زɹ���breakdown �ƻ�;����breakdown fluid ������ѹ��ˮbreakdown point ǿ�ȼ���breakdown test �ƻ�����breaker �����;��ú��breaker roll �����breaking ����breaking cone ����Բbreaking current ��բ������·����breaking in ĥ��breaking load ���Ѹ���breaking out of fire ��������breaking point ǿ�ȼ���breaking strength ����ǿ��breaking stress �¶�Ӧ��breaking test �ƻ�����breaking up of boulders ����������breaking weight ���Ѹ���breakoff ����С��breakthrough ����С��breast ����ǰ��breast and pillar ����ʽ��ú��breast and pillar method ����ʽ��ú��breast mining �ǿ�breast stoping �ǿ�breather ͨ����breathing ����breathing apparatus ������breathing bag ������breathing mask �������breccia ������breeze ��úbrettis ����brick שbrick earth ש��brick lining ש��֧��bricking ש��֧��bricklayer ��ש��brickwork ��שbridge ��bridge conveyor ��ʽ���ͻ�bridge crane ��ʽ���ػ�bridging ����brigade ����brigadesman ��ɽ�Ȼ��Ӷ�Աbright coal ��úbrightness ����briight coal ��úbrine ��ˮbrine intake �����brinell apparatus ����Ӳ��������brinell hardness test ����Ӳ������brinell hardness tester ����Ӳ��������bring back ����ʽ�ز�bringing back ���˻ز�briquette ú��briquette press ѹúש��briquetting úש����briquetting machine ��ѹ��briquetting press ѹúש��brisance �Ͷ�brittle ���brittle fracture ���Զ���brittleness ����broaching bit ������ͷbroad gauge track ���broadwall ���ڿ���brochantite ˮ����broil ¶ͷbroken charge �ֶ�װҩbromargyrite ������bromin ��bromlite ̼��Ʊ���bromyrite ������bronchiectasis ֧��������bronchitis ֧������bronze ��ͭbronzite ��ͭ�Թ�brookite ���ѿ�brow �����brow bin ��ʱ��ʯ��brow box ��ʱ��ʯ��brow of station ���׳����ı��brown coal ��úbrown hematite ������broyl ¶ͷbrucite ˮþʯbryle ¶ͷbubble ����bubble cell ��ĭ��ѡ��bucked ore ����ʯbucker ����bucket ��Ͱbucket capacity ץ��������bucket chain ����bucket chain dredger �භ�ھ�bucket conveyor ��ʽ�����bucket dredger �භ�ھ�bucket elevator �ᶷ��bucket excavator �භ�ھ��bucket grab ץ��bucket hook ��Ͱ��bucket loader ��ʽװ�ػ�bucket pump ������ˮ��bucket teeth ������bucket trenching machine �භ�ع���bucket wheel excavator ����ʽ�ھ��buckling ��������buckling load ����������buckling strength ��������ǿ��buckling stress ��������һҳ[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]...��һҳ>>
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