4] hydraulic legs��Һѹ����
[5] frame����ʽҺѹ֧��
[6] chock����ʽҺѹ֧��
[7] shield���ڻ�ʽҺѹ֧��
[8] chock shield��֧���ڻ�ʽҺѹ֧��
[9] setting up���̶�������
[10] segmented canopies���ָ�Ķ���
[11] hinge-jointed���������ӵ�
[12] solid base������ʽ����
[13] spring plates�����ɸְ�
[14] double-acting ram��˫����ǧ�ﶥ
[15] piston������
[16] cylinder��Һѹ��
[17] steel bars���������ְ�
[18] canopy������
[19] walkway�����е�
[20] gob window�������
[21] longitudinal stability��������ȶ���
[22] box-shaped steel frame�����θּ�
[23] leg-restoring device�����ȸ�λװ��
[24] induced caving���˹��Ŷ�
[25] access to the gob���ɿ���ͨ·
[26] kinematically stable support���˶�ѧ�ȶ���֧��
[27] seals off the gob����ղɿ���
[28] rock debris:��ʯ��
[29] loading capacity����������
[30] terminology�����ר������
[31] motional traces���˶��켣
[32] orientations������λ
[33] canopy geometry�������ļ�����״
[34] supporting efficiency��֧��Ч��
[35] Load-bearing unit:���ز���
[36] lemniscate bars��˫Ŧ�����ˣ�������
[37] face guards�������濾��װ��