shaft known as ��Pick Face Flushing�� [74]. In addition, a hollow shaft ventilation system [75] has also been provided to dilute the built up methane gas.D. The machine controls and health monitoring systems [76], such as natural gamma radiation sensor [77] to measure roof coal thickness and to position automatically the cutting drum, and the devices for remote control of machine functions have been used. The radio control has also been used.
E. It is anticipated that shearers will require up to 1200 hp, 4160 volts motors and weigh up to 50 tonnes. The power of the machines increase with the increase demand for slower shearer drum speeds to reduce dust production. Drum speeds of 33 revs per min. have been used successfully. The optimum is a compromise between the speed of drum required to maintain a cutting advance of up to 0.11m/s and the need to minimize dust.
[1] Major components of the shearer����ú������Ҫ����
[2] double-ended ranging-drum shearer��˫�˿ɵ��߹�Ͳ��ú��
[3] electric motor���綯��
[4] gearhead��������ͷ�����ͻ��ȣ�
[5] haulage unit��ǣ����
[6] cutting drum���ظ��Ͳ
[7] hydraulic pump��Һѹ��
[8] ancillary equipment�������豸
[9] gearhead gearbox��������ͷ������
[10] spiral vane������ҶƬ
[11] rotational speed����ת�ٶ�
[12] power cowl���������ĵ�ú��
[13] underframe�����м�
[14] sliding shoes����ѥ
[15] conveyor pan�����ͻ����
[16] control valves�����Ʒ�
[17] water spraying devices������װ��
[18] cable������
[19] chain anchorage��ǣ����ê��װ�ã���ú����
[20] tensioner������װ��
[21] single-ended fixed-drum shearer�����˹̶���Ͳ��ú��
[22] floor undulation���װ����
[23] single-ended ranging-drum shearer�����˿ɵ��߹�Ͳ��ú��
[24] return cutting trip���ظ�س�
[25] full web cut��ȫ����ظ�
[26] headentry����������ƽ�˳�ۣ�
[27] tailentry�����λط�ƽ�˳�ۣ�
[28] niche�����裬����
[29] sump����������ú����
[30] resistance������
[31] crowding��ӵ��
[32] gearhead shearer������ת��װ�õĵ��߲�ú��
[33] speed-reduction unit������װ��
[34] in-web shearer�������ڲ�ú�������װ�ʽ��ú��
[35] chain haulage����ǣ��
[36] chainless haulage
[37] electric haulage
[38] round-link chain��Բ����
[39] head and tail drives�������ͻ�����ͷ�ͻ�β����װ��
[40] deflecting sprockets����������
[41] teeth�����������֣���
[42] trap�����룬����
[43] counterclockwise����ʱ�루����
[44] clockwise��˳ʱ�루����
[45] tensioned side��������
[46] slack side���ɳڲ�
[47] deforms elastically�����Ա���
[48] accidents���¹�
[49] jump������
[50] oscillates�����ڶ�
[51] impacts���������ײ
[52] thin seams����ú��
[53] drive chain-rackatrack�������ݹ�����
[54] drive wheel-rackatrack���֣��ݹ�����
[55] ram propulsion��ǧ�ﶥ�ƶ�
[56] idler������
[57] rail track�����ʽ����
[58] steel peg rods����ס�ĸ���