[59] housed in a central unit�����������������
[60] waste side���ɿ�����
[61] splitting���ʿ�������
[62] simplified transmission���ı�����
[63] self-contained����װ�ģ�����
[64] AC frequency converted electric haulage��������Ƶ��ǣ��
[65] reliability���ɿ���
[66] multi electric motors������
[67] PLC control technology���ɱ���������Ƽ���
[68] memory and display technology���洢����ʾ����
[69] easy disassembling and maintenance���ײ�ж��ά��
[70] Hydraulic nut fastener��Һѹ��ĸ�̶�
[71] breakdowns�����ϣ��ƻ�
[72] robustness����ʵ����ʵ
[73] dust suppression���ֳ�������
[74] Pick Face Flushing���سݶ����ϴ
[75] hollow shaft ventilation system��������ͨ��ϵͳ
[76] health monitoring system������״������ϵͳ
[77] natural gamma radiation sensor����Ȼ ¡�����ߴ�����