������ͼ����ţ�TD712��5�������ױ�ʶ�룺A�������±����10077332��1999��05032204Analysis of gas emission law by sublevel caving minging atNo��14 zone in Jiulishan coal mine
HUANG Qiu1��Wu Tiejun1��XU Zhougyou1��FENG Yongjun2
��aozuo Coal Mine Bureau��of Henan prov��Jiaozuo��454000��China��2��Jiaozuo Coal Industrial school��of Henan prov����Jiaozuo 454000��China��
Abstract��The gas emission law in each production process during the mining period at the sublevel caving face by driving along the roadway floor have been studied��With the caving mining method��comparing with the caving slicing method����the relative gas emission rate has decreased��and the increasing rate of the absolute gas emission is less than that of the output��but the gas emission rate is maximum in each production process during the drawing��When driving along the roof��the average gas emission rate is 1��25��times than that of driving along the floor��Namely��the outburst will not increase when driving along the floor��
Key words��sublevel caving coal��gas emission rate��outburst��prediction