Research and application of dust isolation technology at drivers position in fully-mechanized coal face
WANG Hai-qiao��SHI Shi-liang��LIU Rong-hua��LIU He-qing
��Xiangtan Engineering Institute University, Xiangtan��411201, China��
Abstract��Based on the theory of air jet in the hydraulic mechanics, the principles and methods of respiration-dust isolation with air curtain at driver��s position in the fully-mechanized coal face are studied theoretically and experimentally. The air curtain formed a ��immateriality and transparent obstacle" between the driver��s working area and the coal wall to prevent the dust from moving towards the machine driver. The effect of the technology applied in the working site is good, and the average efficiency of isolating breathing-dust is 82.3%.
Key words��fully-mechanized coal face; air curtain; isolation; dust; efficiency of isolation dust

Fig.1��The district of the working face with the isolating-dust air curtain

Fig.2��Plane layout of air curtain in working face