Experimental Study and Theory Analysis on Influence of Electromagnetic Field on Gas Explosion
ZHANG Hui,JIAN Cong-guang,LI Jing,LE Jun, GAO Jian-kang(College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,CUMT, Xuzhou221008, China)Abstract:On the basis of experiment, the influence of impressed electromagnetic field on fire transmission speed and overpressure ingas explosion was investigated. The research result shows that the influence of impressed electromagnetic field strengthen the gas ex-plosion, and make the flame propagation speed, the flame propagation speed peak value and the overpressure peak value enlarged;with the increase of electromagnetic field intensity, the effects on aggravating the gas explosion raise. And the influence of impressedelectromagnetic field on gas explosion was analyzed.Key words:electromagnetic field;gas explosion;flame propagation speed;overpressure

3.5 m
0.5 m