1、 為了你和家人的幸福,請您注意安全! Safety Depends on You, Your Family Depends on You!
2、 一人違章,眾人遭殃! Everyone Suffer Due to Someone Violation!
3、 生產必須安全,安全促進生產! Safety in Production Promote Productivity!
4、 寧可千日慎重,不可一日大意! Don’t Be Careless, Work Safety at All Times!
5、 知險防險不危險,不知危險最危險! Know Your Do & Don’t, Ignorance is Most Hazardous!
6、 隱患險於明火,防範勝於救災,責任重於泰山! Don’t Take Risk, Prevention is Better then Cure, Safety is the Prime Responsibilities of Everyone!
7、 一時疏忽,一生痛苦! A Moment of Careless, A Life Time of Pain!
8、 意外是可預防的! Accident Can be Prevented!
9、 整潔的現場,是安全的現場! A Clean Workplace is A Safe Workplace!
10、零風險!零02manbetx.com ! Towards Zero Risk, Beyond Zero Disaster!
11、 火可幫人,也可傷人! Fire is a Good Servant But a Bad Master!