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圖書資料 2009-04-15 0
軟件名稱: 礦井通風畢業設計論文-畢業答辯用
文件類型: .doc
界麵語言: 英文
軟件類型: 國產軟件
運行環境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003
授權方式: 免費軟件
軟件登陸: mkaq
作 者 : 佚名
官方網址: 官方站
程序演示: 演示
整理時間: 2009-04-15

摘 要
關鍵詞: 安全條件 粉塵防治 瓦斯防滅火 安全監測

Along with the coal industry development,the safety in productionalready becameimportant part.In orderto guaranteethe coal min thesafety in production,isextremely important to the coal mine safe design. According to the Pinggang coal mine the actual situation ,with the current production safety technology . The Pinggang have conducted a pair of safety design. Mine design against common security probl. Such as water,fire coal dust,gas,roof and other disasters.Analysis of the causes of disasters .Accordingtocoalmine development way and geologic structure,has chosen the reasonable ventilation system,To excavates the working surface and the room ventilates,mine pit the facility and the construction and so on carry on thedesign,Chose safely escaped the route suddenly draft equipment,has analyzed mine pit the system rationality and the reliability.
In view of Pinggang coal mine dust disaster. From the dust prevention,the explosion-proof measure and separatedexplodes the measure three aspects to carry on the safe design.Prevents and controls regarding the gas disaster, the design adoptedtothe gas haspulled out puts primarilyandsome explosion-proofs,separates explodes the security measure.Prevents and controls the aspect at the fire, separately designed thecoal natural fire to preventand control the measure and the externalfactor fire prevents and controls the measure.
Through defends the coal mine hydrology geological data to the eastthe analysis,has designed the corresponding flood preventing andcontrolling security measure.
ltaneously establishes set of perfect safe monitors and the monitoring system,carries on the strict monitoring to each kind ofdisaster form before,occurs at the disaster processes the accident,guarantees the production to be able safe highly effective carryingon,simultaneously achieves the non- security accident,the non-personnel casualty's perfect condition.In addition also has designed the roof disaster, the transportationsystem disaster, the electrical accident disaster security measure.
Keywords: Safety-conditions Dust-control GasFire-fighting Safety Monitoring

摘 要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
第1章 礦井概況及安全條件 1
1.1 井田概況 1
1.1.1地理位置 1
1.1.2主要自然災害 1
1.1.3礦區開采現狀 1
1.2 安全條件 2
1.2.1地質特征 2
1.2.3煤層及煤質 2
1.3 礦井生產情況 3
1.3.1 工程性質 3
1.3.2井田開拓與開采 3
1.3.3提升、通風、排水和壓縮空氣設備 4
1.3.4 井上下主要運輸設備 5
1.3.5工業場地布置特征、防洪排澇、地麵建築及煤柱 5
1.3.6供電及通訊 6
1.3.7給水、排水和采暖通風及供熱 6
1.3.8技術經濟 7
第2章 礦井通風 11
2.1 概 況 11
2.2礦井通風 11
2.2.1現礦井各采區風量計算 11
2.2.2風量選擇 12
2.3現有通風方式及通風係統 15
2.3.1現有風井數目、位置、服務範圍及服務時間 15
2.3.2采掘工作麵及硐室通風 15
2.3.3井下通風設施及構築物布置 15
2.3.4安全逃生途徑 15
2.3.5通風設備及反風 16
2.3.6礦井風量、風壓及等積孔 17
第3章 粉塵災害防治 18
3.1 粉 塵 18
3.2 防塵措施 19
3.2.1防塵措施 19
3.2.2采掘工作麵除塵 19
3.2.3井下消防 20
3.2.4防爆措施 21
3.3 隔爆措施 22
3.3.1隔爆措施 22
3.3.2隔爆水棚(水袋) 23
3.4 礦井地麵生產係統防塵 24
第4章 瓦斯災害防治 25
4.1 瓦 斯 25
4.2 防爆措施 25
4.2.1防止瓦斯積聚 25
4.2.2巷道局部積聚瓦斯的處理 25
4.2.3防止瓦斯爆炸或窒息 25
4.3 隔爆措施 26
4.3.1隔爆措施 26
4.3.2隔爆水袋 26
第5章 礦井防滅火 27
5.1 概 況 27
5.2 井下外因火災防治 27
5.2.1井下機電設備硐室防火措施 27
5.2.3井下電纜 27
5.2.4井下電氣設備的各種保護 27
5.2.5井下電氣設備的檢查、維護、修理和調整。 28
5.2.6其它火災的防治措施及裝備 28
5.2.7井下主要機電設備硐室及防火構築物 29
5.2.8消防滅火裝備 29
5.2.9開采方麵的措施 29
5.3 礦井瓦斯抽放係統 29
5.3.1平崗礦瓦斯賦存情況 29
5.3.2平崗礦瓦斯抽排係統 29
5.3.3監控監測係統 30
5.3.4安全監測監控係統的結構 31
5.3.5傳感器選擇 31
第6章 礦井防治水 34
6.1 礦井水文安全條件分析 34
6.1.1礦井開采水文地質情況 34
6.1.2礦井充水因素及特征 34
6.2 礦井防治水措施 35
6.2.1礦井開拓、開采所采取的安全保證措施 35
6.2.2井下探放水措施 35
6.2.3地表水防治措施及工程 36
6.3 井下防治水安全設施 36
6.3.1排水設施 36
6.3.2選型計算 37
6.3.3防水設施 37
第7章 井下其它災害防治 38
7.1 頂板災害防治及裝備 38
7.1.1礦山壓力顯現基本因素分析 38
7.1.2一般頂板冒落災害的防治措施及裝備 38
7.2 爆炸材料庫 39
7.3 電氣事故防治措施及設備 40
7.3.1供電線路及地麵變電所事故防治措施 40
7.3.2防止電氣設備引起的瓦斯燃燒、瓦斯爆炸和觸電等事故的措施 40
專題 礦井安全監測監控 43
結論 47
致謝 48
參考文獻 49
附錄1 50

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