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在線文檔 2011-12-16 0
軟件名稱: 礦用液壓挖掘機結構原理及故障分析
文件類型: .doc
軟件類型: Doc
軟件大小: 247.5 KB
軟件登陸: admin
作 者 :
官方網址: 官方站
程序演示: 演示
整理時間: 2011-12-16

摘 要





Summary with the development and exploitation of open-pit coal mines in recent years, hydraulic excavator for mining is development. Technical transformation of both new mine and the old mine, had hydraulic excavators. It has a light weight, speed and flexibility of action, scheduling, speed, high operation rate; low price, low investment, mechanical updates faster; transmission system simple, smooth and reliable, easy maintenance; operation effort, good working environment; hydraulic components of long life and high reliability than mechanical excavators and much more. So has been widely used in open pit mining, has become an integral part of the open-pit mining and production machinery, and in the process of excavator used, some failures and use problems will inevitably occur, so we need to be specific analysis, to reduce the incidence of failure, ensure the excavator to work long hours, meeting the needs of mine production.

This article by on excavator structure and the hydraulic system work principle simple analysis, describes has excavator of work method, and the excavator on hydraulic system of requirements, and describes has excavator in work in the should note of various matters, security operation method, also simple of on excavator in using process in the encountered of fault for analysis and excluded, describes has some brand excavator, such, can on excavator has for better of select.

Keywords: excavator; failure; clearing; analysis; maintain

目 錄

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第 1 章 礦用挖掘機的結構和原理 1

1.1 挖掘機簡史 1

1.2 生產發展情況 2

1.3 液壓挖掘機的整機性能 2

1.3.1 動力係統 3

1.3.2 機械係統 3

1.3.3 液壓係統 3

1.3.4 控製係統 3

1.4 挖掘機工作原理 4

1.5 挖掘機分類 4

1.6 挖掘機工作裝置 5

1.6.1 反鏟 5

1.6.2 反鏟鬥 6

第 2 章 單個挖掘機液壓係統 8

2.1 基本要求 8

2.1.1 液壓係統要求 8

2.1.2 類型 9

2.2 雙泵雙回路定量係統 9

2.2.1 挖掘機的液壓係統原理圖 10

2.2.2 雙泵雙回路定量係統工作原理 11

2.3 液壓係統中幾種低壓回路的作用 12

第 3 章 液壓挖掘機常見故障實例分析及排除 13

3.1 機械故障實例 13

3.1.1 整機全部動作故障 13

3.1.2 單個動作故障 14

3.2 挖掘機不能啟動 15

3.2.1 電氣係統故障 15

3.2.2 發動機油路故障 15

3.3 液壓挖掘機工作無力 16

3.4 挖掘機行走跑偏 17

3.4.1 液壓泵故障 17

3.4.2 行走馬達安全閥漏油 17

3.4.3 挖掘機器向一側跑偏 17

3.5 液壓挖掘機液壓油的選用及更換 17

第 4 章 液壓挖掘機行走操作及注意事項 19

結論 21

致謝 22

參考文獻 23

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