2019年9月24-28日,第八屆世界生態恢複大會(8th World Conference on Ecological Restoration)在南非開普敦召開。環測學院張紹良院長帶隊,侯湖平副教授、丁忠義副教授、楊永均博士等四位老師以及戴培超、陳孚堯、米家鑫等三位博士組團參加了會議。
環測學院首次和澳大利亞科廷大學(Curtin University)、南非西北大學(North West University)共同組織了“Ecological restoration of mined areas in Asia, Africa and Oceania: Opportunities, approaches and policy”專題報告會,並分為亞洲、澳大利亞和非洲三個分論壇。
27號上午,張紹良院長首先主持亞洲分論壇,向國際同行介紹了中國礦業大學的基本情況,並做了“中國礦山生態修複的現狀與挑戰”學術報告。侯湖平副教授、楊永均博士,博士生戴培超、陳孚堯、米家鑫等也分別做了 “Resilience measures for the social-ecological systems of closed mines”、“The recovery of forest structure in a semiarid mine dump: Estimation based on Worldview-2 satellite data”、“Evaluation of recreational value to a restored wetland ecosystem based on mobile signaling data”、“Response of the ecological restoration plant Neyraudia reynaudiana for use in alleviation of heavy metal contamination”、“Soil properties and plant communities of mine dumps following technical reclamation, spontaneous revegetation, and near-natural restoration on the Loess Plateau, China”的口頭學術報告。27號下午、28號上午澳大利亞、南非分別舉行了分論壇。